About me

Since December 2023, I have been a member of the OCEAN team, serving as a Postdoctoral researcher in Statistics and Machine Learning. OCEAN is an ERC Synergy grant led by Eric Moulines (Ecole Polytechnique), Michael I. Jordan (UC Berkeley, INRIA), Christian Robert (Université Paris Dauphine) and Gareth Roberts (University of Warwick). Currently based at Ecole Polytechnique, I work under the guidance of Eric Moulines.
Previously, I was a Ph.D. student in Probability, since January 2021, at LPSM, Sorbonne University in Paris, under the supervision of Idris Kharroubi. I defended my thesis on November 20, 2023. If you're curious about my research, you can explore the manuscript HERE.
My research interests are about Generative models, Stochastic control, Mean-Field interactions, and Branching processes. Feel free to reach out to discuss about any of this topics (and beyond) at antonio.ocello[at]polytechnique.edu.
A heartfelt thank you to Elena Issoglio for the privilege of inviting me to present a mini-course on generative models at the Università degli Studi di Torino in June 2025, as part of her doctoral course, Deep learning: an introduction and some mathematical results, within the PhD program Modeling and Data Science.
You can find my CV here.